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Safer Sites for Browsing Free XXX Porn Tubes

Like most people, even those who won't admin it, we browse porn. You know, it helps us know who the upcoming stars are for designing new products. Sounds like a good excuse right? We thought so :P

Unfortunately most people use a search engine like Bing or Google to try finding free porn. While this works okay if you watch the videos through their result pages, when you visit the external sites, there's no telling what kind of intrusive ads or browser hijacking software you might encounter. With that in mind, we wanted to help by compiling a list of what Adult Fun Spot's staff considers safe(r) free porn tubes.

Even though most of these sites are what we consider safe to use, it is still in your best interest to use ad blocking browser plugins (we use Adblock Plus) with your browser's incognito (Chrome) or private (Internet Explorer, Edge) browsing mode. It goes without saying most of these sites work much browser on a computer or tablet, but all should still be mobile-friendly.

As you might have noticed, the majority of these are from the Pornhub network. This is not without good reason. Pornhub relies on TrafficJunky which is relatively strict on the ads allowed and generally prevents browser-hijacking scripts being served by shady advertisers. Just a note, you'll generally only encounter one redirect/pop-up/pop-under and you can easily hit the back button or close that and not be bothered again for the duration of your visit ;)

Happy browsing!

Disclaimer: We are not directly affiliated with the listed sites. Nor do we attest to the quality or legality of their content. You still need to browse at your own risk. This is just our go-to list for browsing porn with lower concerns of encountering malicious software. There is no guarantee any porn site is ever 100% safe to use.

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  • Safer Sites for Browsing Free XXX Porn Tubes

Categories: Articles

Published: 12/30/2017

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